My name is Anna Święcka-Głowacka, I am a qualified Rolfer, European Rolfing Association (ERA) in Munich graduate. Additionally I specialise in ScarWork – scar therapy. I have my own practice in Warsaw.
I am a member of the following institutions:
- European Rolfing® Association e.V (ERA)
- Institute® of Structural Integration (RISI) in Boulder, Colorado, USA
- Polskie Towarzystwo Integracji Strukturalnej (PtIS), (Polish Structural Intergartion Association)
My qualifications:
ScarWork seminar, Sharon Wheeler, Polska 2016
BoneWork seminar, Sharon Wheeler, Polska 2017
Somatic-Experiencing, SE-intro, Anne Janzen, SEP, 30.09-1.10.2017
School at European Rolfing Association (ERA), Monachium 2017-2018, Intensive:
Phase 1: Giovanni Felicioni, Fuensanta Munoz de la Cruz, Gerhard Hesse
Phase 2: Jörg Ahrend-Löns
Phase 3: Pierpaola Valpones
Dr Peter Schwind, Fascia and Emotions, Monachium 2018
Ed Maupin, Awareness-Oriented Structural Integration and Higher Consciousness, Warszawa 2018
Mary Bond, Shoulder girdle, Berlin 2018
InConnection, Rolfing Congress, Berlin 8-12.XI. 2018
David Davis, Scoliosis- unraveling the confusion, Warszawa 7-9.06.2019